Solar Net Meter
We supply Government approved Solar Net Meters.
Net Metering for Solar Power Plant –
By executing Solar net metering on a Solar Power Plant, electricity generated by the Solar Rooftop System is first utilized by the consumer to meet their internal/captive requirements. Excess electricity, if any, is exported to the grid. Subsequently, when the consumer imports power from the grid, the exports are adjusted against the imports, lowering the electricity bill.
Solar Net Meter (Solar Bi-Directional Meter)
A Solar Net meter (Solar Bi-directional meter) Keeps the record of the energy imported from the grid to meet the load and surplus energy exported to the grid after consumption. Both energy import and export are recorded in the net meter. The difference between export and import readings is the actual energy consumed/delivered.
What is the Method of Billing Under Net Metering?
The energy generated from Solar Rooftop System shall be adjusted against the consumption of energy from the DISCOM by an eligible developer/consumer.
In case of excess generation (after energy adjustment) injected into DISCOM network in a billing month will be carried forward to the next month / quarter and settlement will take place.