Solar Plant Operation and Maintenance

Solar Plant Operation and Maintenance
At Solarinnovation, we always attempt to give better results to our customers.
Opting Solar plant is 1st step towards green solar energy but keeping your Solar system up and running you need to have a regular technical operation and maintenance plan in place.
With Solar Operation and Maintenance service, you can get upto 30% more power output and also prevent your system for any possible breakdown.
With Solarinnovation, We have dedicated team of Engineers, Technicians, Manpower and systems in place to manage Solar Power plants of each size.
We maintain Solar Power Plant from Kilowatt to Mega-Watt and utility scale.
Our standard Solar Maintenance Service includes below listed main areas.
- Preventive Maintenance
- Corrective Maintenance
- Module Cleaning
- Chemical Cleaning
- Grass cutting
- Seasonal Tilting
- Thermography Test
- IV Curve
- EL & Flash Test
- Meter Calibration
- WMS Calibration
- Adherence to EHS policy
- Performance Data Reporting with Breakdown analysis
Highlight – We have Manual/ Semi Automatic as well as completely automated solutions to maintain your Solar Power Plant.
To know more please call 83681 26691 or Click here