Solar Products for CSR, Solar Water Pump, Solar Street Lights, Solar Home Lighting System
CSR Solar Products –
Empower your beneficiaries with Solar Energy to help them in Education, Water Insecurity and Lighting their area.
Connect with Solarinnovation NOW, HURRY!!!
Solar Lighting System
- Save your beneficiaries from power cuts.
- Works well where electricity supply is not good.
- With Battery Backup, Extra energy gets stored in the battery and can be used later.
- System life of 25 years with little recurring expense of storage system.
- Useful for students, Mothers, community center, Backward community in Rural (out cuts) areas.
Solar Pump for Watering Needs –
- Runs without electricity i.e. only on Solar power during the day in remote areas.
- Integrated HDPE Storage units for community water needs.
- Can be Integrated with existing hand pumps or New Hand pumps
SMART Solar Street Lights
- Outdoor Lighting, With almost NO maintenance.
- Auto ON-OFF, Advanced Li-Ion Battery
- Useful for Lighting on the streets, Community Area, Community centers and Schools.
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